Group pottery classes in Denver for beginners

Finally feel confident on the wheel

Two teachers, six students in your first week of class. Never worry about a crowded class or a rushed experience. We’ll make sure you leave feeling confident on the wheel.

Throwing red clay on a wheel

Get 10 hours on the wheel

glaze test tile wall

Learn glazing essentials & fundamentals

throwing clay with kinship studio apron

Make pieces your friends are jealous of

Make cool sh*t.

Meet new people.

Make cool sh*t. Meet new people.

Group classes by the week

Week 1 (3 hours) | Two teachers for added support

Week 2 (3 hours)

Week 4 (3 hours)

Learn the fundamentals of wheel throwing

Get a basic understanding of how to wedge and recycle clay

Throw, throw, throw!

Spend time honing your throwing skills and getting comfortable on the wheel

Week 3 (3 hours)

Learn how to trim and personalize your pieces

Give your pieces character with surface decorations and attachments

Finalize your pieces with your favorite glaze and make it food safe if needed

We put your pieces into the kiln to fire them and you get them back in just 2 weeks

Other important details

  • You’ll receive a 25 pound bag of clay at the start of the class

  • You’ll be with only 5 other people

  • Each class has 2 teachers guiding you

  • We will not limit you or charge you extra for the amount of pieces you want to take home

$350 per person

April Group Classes

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